Auxiliary Fertility Service

Infertility can be an emotionally painful and psychologically traumatic life changing event that leaves individuals feeling insecure and uncertain about their future. Likewise, being infertile may result in an individual being stigmatized and socially isolated. As individuals seek medical reproductive help they may experience emotions ranging from despair, hope, anger, anxiety and grief.

At the Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit we understand that infertility can be unsettling and emotionally distressing.   Therefore, in addition to the assisted reproductive treatment support which prepares you physically for childbearing, our IVF team through its counsellors provide our clients with appropriate psychological support. This support comes primarily through brief counselling aimed at preparing our clients to adjust emotionally and psychologically to the treatment processes and outcomes. 

We look forward to working with you as you take this important step towards achieving your goal towards building your family.

Contact Us

The Hugh Wynter Fertility
Management Unit
The University of the West Indies
Mona Campus,
Kingston 7

Direct: (876) 970-2388
Fax: (876) 927-0253